Sunday we went to see Heather because she has a disease and we wanted to cheer her up! :-) We made her a BIG HUGE card and baked her cup cakes and gave her a purple flower. We are good friends oh yes we are. ;-)
Love my Jil and Zu.
Saturday night was insane!!!!! I wont get into the crazy details but Jil, Zu and I back painted again and than we partied it up at Nicoles PAAARTY! mmmmm
Oh! And I cant forget about the Wal-Mart Trip... unforgettable haha

I am a great shopper!
omg in that picture you look like your plotting to go do surgery on someone and cut out their organs or something....
it wasn't me was it??
Omg Jil's face at the end of that video is amazing haha
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