Sunday, May 18, 2008

Jesus Style

Wow, I am totally wiped out! The conference was life altering/amazing to the max, but it also tore me up. My legs hurt so bad I can hardly move and playing balloon pop with my family probably didn't help much either.

My voice? What voice? Brittany has a voice? Well you would have never guessed because currently all you here is breathy sighs and whispers. Fun? I think not. Not to mention I some how from somewhere acquired a cough and those guys aren't fun at all. No sirree, bob.

Tired-ness is my state of being right now, all I want to do is sleep forever and than wake up and miraculously its time for another conference. I love those things!

I guess its time for an update.

I don't even know how to begin writing this but I am going to try. My dad suffers from chronic pain from a variety of ailments. The newest of which was a diagnosis of adult onset asthma, which was making even the act of breathing difficult and painful. Well, following the Outcast conference Thursday night, Rex Crane prayed over him after being asked by my brother, Connor, to pray that God would heal our dad. Rex prayed over him in the foyer of the church, laying hands on him, and in front of the witness' there, God healed him!! Praise the Lord! His back and neck pain gone! His headache reduced drastically! His left side rib and scar tissue pain gone! His breathing problems gone! He prayed over his reflux and stomach problems and his lack of sleep. That night and the night after he slept without any reflux episodes. (He usually wakes up violently choking during the night) He is still having sleep apnea, but his sleep was much more peaceful. He is feeling good after 12 years of pain and anguish. Praise the Lord! The glory is His and His alone! I am claiming this healing in the name of Jesus. My dad is slightly reluctant, after so many years of suffering, to except this fully, that it will last. So I feel it is important to claim it, to shout it from the rooftops, to stand in faith believing that this reprieve is not temporary. I also am claiming and believing, in the name of Jesus, that the headaches will go away completely as will the sleep apnea. Nothing less than complete freedom, isn't that what we are promised!!!

If that wasn't enough my brother Colin was also healed from residual pain from his knee surgery, praise God!

Guys miracles are alive and they do happen!!! (Jesus Style ;-)

I have witnessed it! My family has seen it first hand. I also had a cousin who was having trouble with walking/running because of a soccor related injury and yes you guessed it she has also been fully healed!

God is doing some pretty amazing things out here in Prosper Texas and I am going to commit the rest of my life to making sure that it doesnt stop here.

I am going to move to Colorado in the fall, its where He is calling me and has been calling me for the last year. I am going to go to worship school and I am going to make the world fall in love with Jesus like I have or die trying.



ZuZu said...

God is pretty much amazing

Brittany Noel said...

you are a dumb head and that was a stupid head comment. you are p.u

ZuZu said...

Are you saying that God is not amazing?? Are you calling God p.u.??

Brittany Noel said...

no I am calling you p.u. and God is amazing but you dont have to state the obvious stater.