Friday, June 6, 2008

Until Tomorrow

Haha I have silly tan lines.

"I kissed a girl and I liked it...the taste of her cherry chap stick" (Thank you Heather, Zuzu and the rest of you galvie girls I now feel very bad for liking this song)

My foot hurts :-(

Oh Crap! I left my guitar in my car but am to tired to get cloths on and go outside to get it.

I lost five pounds and am very proud of myself.

I think I will change my belly button ring.

Eye liner + swimming pools= ugliness

I started Matthew again today and couldn't finish it once again! Jesus! AHHHH I promise I will make it through that entire book one day. There is always tomorrow..... well not necessarily but you get my drift.

There is a graduation party tomorrow that I really don't want to go to but should. Why do graduations depress me? I really don't know. I don't think its because I never had one of my own... I think it just reverts back to the whole change=scary thing with me.

Funny. The thing I am scared of, and the thing that I crave the most, are exactly the same.

Something to ponder.

Well goodnight world of blogger people. Until t0morrow.

The Last Day

Today is the last day I have with my twins.

GAH! I feel like I am abandoning my children! I am going to cry I dont want to but its going to happen. :-(

I have got to say I am going to miss them when I am in Colorado and I am going to miss so many things that they do. When I come back they arent going to be babies anymore. Man, this is hard.

Honestly, I dont trust anyone else with them. I mean I know I wasnt the best "mom" I certainly wasnt up for any awards but they were mine from the time they were just a couple months old.


Just a highlight from Outcast! Jesus is amazing! Fo Sho!

PS Im the drunk one haha

A stroke of genious

The Lakers made me cry.

On the plus side Garrett beat the rubiks cube (i hate those little buggers) and that brings me immense pleasure.

Lakers oh Lakers...its alright we're not defeated yet.

PS I hate stupid ref.s who make stupid calls! they are of the devil, I am sure of it! and seriously come on!!!!!! the whole game it was in and out and in and out! okay Im done and refuse to think about it anymore. i refuse.

HAHAHAHA Than Carter writes back----

IN your face, to the lakers it's a disgrace, but to me its amazing.... Grace!

Beat that, oh wait you can't, cuz your from LA, the city that is GAY!

You like it, eww wait Garnett just SPIKED it in Gasol's eye lid.

Peaceout Gayscout, if you're a fan you then you know what its about.

Its the NBA finals and the Lakers are OUT!:P

Its done, finished, over, as in maybe next year the rapist kobe will get a little closer.

lakers will not win.

Until this series is over consider frustration and crying your friend.

(Okay not bad not bad....for a new guy......but he didnt know he was going up against a master)

(I am so good I dont even need and intro)

wow I have really got to say that little thing you tried to do was really rather lame

this is just the first game just wait until the next

kobe bryant and his boys are gonna woop up on some aaaa.....

you think you got us down? you think you got us beat? but another thing is coming to you look up and you'll see

thats right look up to the top the lakers and the celtics???

they might as well give up.

Now Dallas boy I wouldnt start slinging insults Especially when you cant hold your own

You better shut your white boy mouth before your butt gets owned


----Ouch thats what you get for messing with a cali girls team. YOU KNOW! Laker pride baby! I wear my colors and I wear them proudly. Represent!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

100 and amazed.

I am just amazed with everything He does.

And when I'm 100 I am still going to be amazed.

outcasted forever because I live on His terms.who doesn't want to be loved? love? doesn't everyone want that? that's what Wednesday nights are. why cant it be like that everyday all the time. why cant I just live Jesus all the time? use me. im a vessel.(so good trav so good)

Use me use me use me Lord. I want to speak words of love and encouragement to those who are DEAD inside! I want to be a mother to the mother-less! I want to live your word out loud! I want people to look and me and be envious because I glow from the inside out with everything that is you! I want people to fall on their knees and scream "I want what she has! I don't know what it is but I want it!"

I want people to want to be in love with you. I want people to see and realize what I have. I just want the world to come into communion with your spirit because once you have felt the Lord, once you have seen Him move, once He has filled you up there is no turning back. He is a drug once you go Jesus you never go back. Its an every day every hour every minute every second kind of thing.

So use me Jesus!

Need my hands? They're yours.

Need my voice? Yours.

Need my smile. 100% belongs to you.

Use me to pray. Use me to heal. Use me to love. Take my everything and make it yours.

I love you. I love you. I am so in love with you I cant even pretend to want to be normal anymore! I have to scream it from the roof tops. You are the ultimate. I love you.

no words sum up tonight.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Taking over the world

Colin and my dad just left to Vegas again and Colin calls me this morning and yells at me because I have influenced his girl friend, I found this odd seeing as to I rarely ever speak to the girl and I asked him what she did---- he says that she dyed her hair like mine...or like it was (just went back to normal color ;-) He is so upset with me right now and the best part is I never even talk to the girl, never encouraged her, never told her she should do it, she just saw my hair loved it and got it.

Haha I am such a trend setter. First conquest- Colin's girlfriend and next....the world.

Sunday, June 1, 2008

I know you love me

This weekend was just what I needed.

Church was amazing! The worship was so intense it felt like Wednesday night not Sunday morning. God is moving.

I have to apologize for being in this funky mood lately. Its just that I want to move on so bad! He has...he definitely has and all I want is to find someone to love like that again because once you have it and know what it feels like you never want to loose it.

Jesus just give me the strength to get through tomorrow without thinking about it. Where I am weak you are strong.

Zuzu you are my rock. I don't know what I would do without you. You don't know how many days I just wanted to sleep forever and sit in my self pity but you are always there cheering me on, even when you don't realize it. God knew what He was doing when He ordained this friendship. Thank you for putting up with all my b.s and laughing with me through the tears and all my sad stories. I love you.

Jesus I need you right now. I don't know why I have been having such a hard time of everything lately but I do know one thing I need you more now than I ever have. Please watch and guard over Adam, father I don't know what he is going through right now but I know if anything else he works a lot harder than any 21 year old I have ever met so please just calm his busy spirit and soothe his mind and his nerves. Just give him peace and please Lord I don't know if he is ever lonely like I am lonely but if he is would you really press close to him in those moments because I know its so hard when your alone and I don't ever want him to feel the way that I have felt.

Jesus watch over him and his family and walk beside him even when he doesn't want to acknowledge you're there. If I know anything about Adam its that he is very sensible and level headed, I pray that you just start revealing yourself to him daily in ways that only you can get the mention, honor and glory for.

Lord I know you had a plan for putting Adam and I together when you did and letting us go our separate ways but that doesn't make it any easier for me to accept. Please father just soften my heart to the sound of your voice because I need to hear you and lately I cant hear you at all and all I want to hear is your voice letting me know that everything is going to be okay, that there is nothing wrong with me. That there is nothing wrong with missing someone you love. You put these feeling in me for a reason and I don't know what that reason is but you know and your plans are a whole lot greater than mine.

I need you now and I want you here beside me because I am tired of trying to get over him on my own. I am tired of crying over him and missing him and quite honestly loving him and praying for him when it seems like what we had doesn't matter to him at all.

But you love me.

I know you love me so let me be content with that.