Wednesday, June 18, 2008



The day starts out like any other ordinary day. Zuzu and I wake up and get ready to go meet the lady we are going to house sit for. We get there and I speak for both of us when I say that no money is worth what this lady wants us to do...not to her house but for her dog. (okay so the day isn't that bad yet but wait because it gets there)

So we are done with getting the lowdown for the house, now we have a babysitting job in east Mckinney to get too. The kids were great...until the mom left, and the power went out, and the HUGE rain storm started. Kids were running around everywhere screaming! You would think the world was going to end! One of them wouldn't stop screaming bloody murder and made us call him mom and he sat on the phone sobbing hysterically. One of the kids was so scared he literally threw up (no joke). The kid puked all over the front entry way tile (at least it was on the tile).

If that wasn't bad enough the other two are running around screaming because they are starving and zuzu and I are trying to deal with it all while trying to find flash lights.

We finally got everyone calmed down with a lot of praying and a silly act where Zuzu and I ran around pretending the kitchen was filthy. We donned aprons and went to work with febreeze, Windex, an iron, and laundry detergent. The boys thought it was the funniest thing ever and we ended up chasing them around the house because they were "too dirty" and we had to "clean them".

If the day hadn't already been exciting enough I had a meeting with the worship Pastor of our church. We talked about Colorado and the sponsorship letter I should be writing right now (for shame).

After that I got a call from a family that needed a nanny and wanted me to come interview and I did.

It was the LONGEST interview of my LIFE! It was two hours long and I had to answer more questions than I knew what to do with!

Questions like-

"Whats your favorite movie?"

"How many boyfriends do you have?"

"What do you think about religion?"

"Are you a virgin?"

Let me tell you the strangest interview ever! EVER!

After that zu and I went to Toris and picked up her squirrel because we volunteered to squirrel sit for the day and if my day hadn't already been pleasant enough. The squirrel pooped on me.

The perfect end to the perfect day.

So that was yesterday. This was today.
And who knows what tomorrow will bring....


ZuZu said...

Wow I forgot all that happened in one day. that's insane! what an interesting life we live!

And I love how in that picture I have a squirrel tail sticking out of my pocket.

Tomorrow we shall save the world from evil doers for the sake of puppies and christmas

Brittany Noel said...

thats right. watch out world here we come!!!!