Friday, July 25, 2008

Love me Dead

So today has been interesting. I woke up and did not know where I was because I was not in my house, or in my bed, and before you ask- no, I was not at Zuzu's house or in her bed either.

So I woke up and found myself in a very uncomfortable position on a very uncomfortable couch. No, it was not the best nights sleep I have ever had. So at six o'clock this morning I got in my car and drove home just to wake up at 7:15 because my baby brother needed a ride somewhere.

So I threw on my cloths from the night before put on some Paris Hilton shades and stumble out the door. After having dropped him off I realize that driving all the way home did not sound so appealing so I called Zuzu and invited her to go to Taco Bell with me for breakfast.

So we went and ate and conquered and than decided to go terrorize the dollar general. That is when I realized I was not wearing a bra or shoes. You see this story just keeps getting better and better...right?

Wrong. Something very very bad happens next and it is called Brittany has not pee'd all morning and is about to explode...except guessed it..Dollar General bought dollar toilets which if you haven't already deduced means that...they just so happened to be cheap crappy broken crappers!


So we run to Pets Mart and I find the bathroom! (Thank the Lord) It was located in the very back right hand corner of the store. How convenient, right? So i get in there and I realize that I put my underwear on inside out, they were clean so it wasnt a HUGE deal but still can you say AWKWARD!

So we walk around pets mart and I get to see the lovely breeding crickets and the black cat with the creepy eyes. JOY JOY JOY! Now I really want to vomit.

So we did the right thing and we left and went back to Dollar General...where everything... everything is a dollar. Amazing right?

Than Colin called...yada yada yada. Now I am back home.

Zuzu and I "watched" buffy the vampire slayer and babysat the chesney kids (normal normal normal) skipping ahead....

Anways I found this amazing video (see the top of this page) and I feel in love with this song. I dont know why..its kinda weird and creepy but hey thats art! ;-)

So Enjoy and sorry about the uber long ramble fest.

I was in one of "those" moods. ha


1 comment:

ZuZu said...

lol wow I forgot what a comically interesting day we had lol and oddly enough I think I just might like that song too. weird...