Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Delicious Pears

I just ate some pears and while I was eating those pears I began to think about life and how a year ago I was so unaware of all the things around me. I have to smile every time I think about the girl I was sooo... there is no better word! Just unaware!

I am eating pears and thinking about how God created them. He created their taste and their texture. He created their smell and their color. He knew how much I would adore them and knew that one day I would be sitting in bed reading and would go to take a bite of one delicious pear half and before I could swallow I would have this revelation- that the creator of the UNIVERSE, the one who made the stars and thought- then spoke all of creation into being made pears just for me! :-) Just because he knew that I would crave them and desire them and that they would satisfy my tummy.

Isn't that a blissful thought?!?!

Yes. I thought so too.

Then after I was done with that thought another one came upon me. How insanely in love with me He must be. I mean if He created pears just to please my tummy think about all the other things He does for me throughout the day to ease my mind and touch my heart.

Have you ever just sat at the end of the day and reflected on all of the things He did for you throughout? I mean as if the cross weren't already enough?

Lets look at this.

This morning I woke up at 4:30, rested and rejuvenated. I quickly turned and looked at my alarm clock and saw the time. Deeming it to early to wake-up I stubbornly rolled over and went back to bed.

He tried to wake me up this morning because He wanted to meet with me. He wanted to talk to me and spend time with me but I stubbornly rejected him.

When I did eventually give into the fact that I was not going to be getting anymore sleep I picked up a book, not my bible, as I should have, but a novel.

Rejected twice.

Then this morning when I got to class, I felt anxious, I knew that I would be getting my music theory mid-term back but once again instead of praying for peace I squirmed in my uneasy-ness creating a nice bed for myself. Why after all this years when it comes to the little things do I still forget to pray? Jesus HELP ME!

Three times.

And that was all before 9 AM!

As the day went on there was much of the same. Opportunity and Rejection.

Now I am sitting in bed, wondering where the day has gone- my pears all but forgotten.

He asks- Did I further His kingdom today?

I can only hope so because honestly today was a day full of what I wanted to do, not what the maker had in store for me. Lets pray that tomorrow I listen better. Lord please dont hesitate to wake me up again. Tomorrow would be lovely. I am sorry I missed our special time, I will try harder.

I would love to meet with you tomorrow morning... I have to thank you once again for some pears that blessed me in a way most dont get blessed by fruit.


Thursday, January 22, 2009

You take my hand and drag me head first- Fearless

I just finished watching 'Another Cinderella Story' please, take my word and never EVER watch it. I just lost an hour and a half of my life... an hour and a half that I will never get back... I feel cheated, like someone just tricked me. I feel cheap. Please just heed my advice, save yourself the time and spare yourself a head-ache.

This past week has been interesting. I started working at AppleBees and I learned that just because its Sunday and people go to church doesnt mean that they are nice after the service. I got yelled at by a lady who goes to New Life, a lady who sat at the table the whole time discussing Pastor Bradys sermon on prayer with her family (she had been at the church service I had just been at not a half an hour before) and then thought it would be nice to yell at me because the kitchen forgot to put bacon on her sandwich. Kill em with kindness, right?
So the rest of the morning I showed her Jesus. I was nice and made friends with her kids, I showed her Jesus the only way I know how. :-D She must have felt bad at the end of that meal because she left me a 12 dollar tip on a 35 dollar check.

I love serving. I love people, I really do. It is not easy to love someone who so obviously could care less but its what I have been charged with. So em Jesus mean show em love. Why?
Because God is LOVE.

In other news... Totally went into a Tattoo parlor the other day and was going to get 'Love Never Fails' tatted on my shoulder in Hebrew but chickened out. Me and needles=un-mixy things and it didnt help that I had my mothers voice in my head, "Don't do it Brittany. It is permanent and trashy and how are you ever going to find a man when you have a Tattoo. Boys look at girls with tattoos differently then ones who dont. Do you really want them to look at YOU that way?"

Honestly? I couldnt give a care less what all the boys out there think. If I want to do something to my body I am going to do it because I want to. I dont need a reason, I am a grown up. BWAHAHAHAHA I have waited a long time to say that! So I am not going to get one today... or tomorrow but eventually, mark my words I will have a tattoo... its just a matter of time... do you think they will ever find a way to do it without using needles?

I can wait.

I am obsessed with Taylor Swift. Just thought I'd say.

"I miss screamin and fightin and kissin in the rain
And its two A.M. and I'm cursin your name
So in love that you act insane
And thats the way I loved you

Breakin down and comin undone
Its a roller coaster kind of rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And thats the way I loved you"

I am liking life right now... I have got to say.
Worship School=AMAZING.
Fun job with great friends=INCREDIBLE

I like where I am at right now.
I am enjoying my single-ness and the end of my teen years.

I think I feel like writing so I will catch you up again at a later date cause you cant pass insipration up when it hits! :-)
