Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Lets start with something simple...like... hello.

As I sit here, a blank page in front of me and a keyboard waiting to be used, I try to think of something profound and memorable to say but nothing comes.

Maybe starting a blog wasn't such a great idea... let me type about nothing for a moment and we will see if something comes of it.

My name is Brittany. I am 18 years old. I was raised in California but I did most of my growing up out here in Texas. I am the oldest of seven kids and I love it! My family is the ever present safety net below me ready and waiting to catch me if I fall. I have been blessed in so many ways unspeakable.

I am a Christian.

I believe that Jesus Christ came to this earth to live a sinless life and die for every one of us so that we might be redeemed and spend eternity with Him and the Father in Heaven.

I don't believe in religion, I HATE religion. I believe in a personal, passionate, intimate relationship with Christ.

I am not perfect. I sin and fall short everyday but that's where Jesus and forgiveness steps in.

My heart bleeds for this generation of outcasts and misfits, where no one belongs and everyone falls. This generation where no one believes in miracles and everyone is living together alone. We are waiting for a revelation to fall upon us and what most don't even realize is that one already has.

We look at impossibilities and see no solution. PEOPLE! Our God is a God of the impossible!

I have seen it in my life. I have seen it in others.

God is calling us forth to be "bold in broken places". He is calling us to "pour out our hearts again and again until we are called home." You might be the only Jesus someone ever meets. How will you represent Him?

The only thing worth talking about or sharing about in my life is Christ.

There....I think that's where I will leave it... I found profound.


1 comment:

ZuZu said...

Will you marry me?