Friday, June 13, 2008

Keep your legs warm and they wont grow hair

Today was loooooong! It was the last day of worship arts camp and I have got to say the kids really did an awesome job. Zuzu and I had 17 in all in our class. It wasn't the easiest week I have ever had but it was defiantly easier than I had expected.

Worst part of the day- the toilet overflowing.

Best part- The kids, unashamed, up on that stage worshiping God.

Second best part- collecting the cloths pins haha

Now it is 11:30 and I am still awake trying to come up with something to do on what is left of my Friday night.

Zuzu tattooed my back and now she is falling asleep...maybe I should join her.

I was going to make this a really really long post but I am going to cut it short because I really have to pee so goodnight entertaining world of blogger people.

Okay so I lied. I am going to hold it for a moment longer.

Please forgive me if this post is rubbish I am working on no sleep and have been going none stop for the last week. I am stressed tired and confused.

Jesus I need you right now. Tonight was so heart warming you manifested yourself in those kids. Everything we had been hoping and praying and working toward happened. You are amazing, that word doesn't even do you justice.

I saw a bunch of kids walk in the door tired and defiant Monday morning and walk out Friday night changed, glowing, dancing and singing your praises.

A lot of times we walk away and deem it a success, thanking everyone involved, a lot of the time forgetting to thank the most important one of all. It was only a success because you showed up. We could have never have pulled it off without you.

Me personally. You know how much I struggle with patience but this week I seemed to have an abundance of it, enough to go around and share. You know I have such a heart for kids but know that I am a tough love kind of girl, you softened my heart this week and gave those babies just what they needed. A friend, a teacher, a sister, a crush, and most of all a Godly example.

You are just so cool. haha that sounds so lame but its true. From the little things like verses and songs to the big ones like worship arts camp with over 100 kids.

"Indescribable, uncontainable, awestruck I fall to my knees as i humbly proclaim; You are amazing God."

1 comment:

ZuZu said...

Ya that overflowing toilet was the worst part of your day and you didn't even have to clean it up.

Who knew that clothes pins would be the next big fasion accesory