Sunday, September 21, 2008

With Everything

Just when I thought I hit rock bottom, I reached the top of the mountain.

Jesus, the view is beautiful from here. Is this a glimpse of what you see everyday?

I don't know what to do. I don't know where to turn. I feel so lost yet I know I am not lost alone. You are here with me. In the midst of everything. Oh how you love me. I feel it.

Open my eyes Jesus. Reveal your glorious self to me. Give me a revelation of you...of your heart. I cant do it alone. I don't want too. I am so afraid. Will I ever dream again? Lord instill and embed in my heart your dreams, the dreams you have for me. Make them my dreams for myself. Aline my will with yours. I will go wherever you send me... unafraid because you are with me always.

Sanctify me.

I am breaking free from so many things. The chains are gone. I want to worship you forever. I want to sing to you until I have no voice left in my body. I want to glorify your name with my life. Its yours. I am yours. He is yours.


Here I am. Use me as you will.

I am all yours. Heart and soul bare for you to see.
Examine me and anything you find lacking Lord take it away for it is not of you.

Cleanse me.

Cleanse me.

Make me new.

I am not the same and never will be that girl again.

Envelop me in your arms.

Today is a new day and your mercies are new.

Hide your word in my heart.

1 comment:

ZuZu said...

The very same day you wrote that, I prayed and wrote basically the same thing in my journal.
That's crazy.

I hope God is answering your prayers in that area especially. I've been praying for you a lot too.

I love you.