Monday, June 9, 2008

Pursue it or let it go

Okay so it is almost one in the morning, I am totally exhausted after this whirlwind of a weekend and I just walked through the door. I'm not gonna lie, sleep sounds pretty damn good right now but I need to blog some crap and know I am going to regret it if I wait.


Here it goes-

Saturday was fantastic. Lead worship in Kingdom Kids and the family abandoned me for the fair...which I really didnt feel like going to so I had a cookout with the girls instead. Red wine+skinny dipping makes for an interesting experience when your backyard is on display for the entire neighborhood. ;-)

....just for Tori---Yes they do float. haha

Having Zu spend the night is always an adventure. Oh beer.

Wow, this is turning into a very drunk post, I think, but its okay because I dont even like beer. (that was a whole lotta commas)

Sunday- got up way to stinking early to lead worship in Kingdom Kids (which went really well this weekend) and than my dad got home from Cali! Watched 27 dresses for the first time, jumped into the swimming pool and than went over to my aunt kims for dinner and dessert.

Watched the Chesneys kids with Zu for a few hours and than Kelly got home and we had a very deep conversation that included her telling me that I needed to follow my heart and just tell the guy how I felt... preferably with a picture of my boobs accompanied by a caption that read"yes or no". Love that woman.

My love life?


Well I had someone tell me that I need to pursue it or let it go and so that is exactly what I need to do.

Stayed tuned to see how well that works out for me.

For now I am falling asleep on the keys so that is a tell tale sign that this blog is pretty much over and done for.

Love you guys!

PS worship arts camp at 8 tomorrow...I have 15 kids....wish me luck!

1 comment:

ZuZu said...

my name haha I totally want a beer hat now...

and about the other stuff, what kelly said about having to do something and not just letting it eat at you is exactly what I wanted to say but was having a hard time thinking of words to say it so I agree with kelly on that one. I know it's scary but I know you can do it, and don't worry cuz you have 50 million people that love you and are backing you up 10000% (not to mention the long line of people that will beat the crap out of him if he hurts you again) but anyway be encouraged.

love you